Search For acceptable In Quotes 32

It was easy to persecute me without people feeling ashamed. It was easy to vilify me and project me as a woman who was not following the tradition of a 'good African woman' and as a highly educated elitist who was trying to show innocent African women ways of doing things that were not acceptable to African men.

It's never acceptable to target civilians. It violates the Geneva Accords it violates the international law of war and it violates all principles of morality.

If Romney explains why where we are with Obama is unacceptable why whither we are tending is even worse - and why his own alternative path forward is superior - then we trust the American people to make the right choice in November.

In the seventies we had to make it acceptable for people to accept girls and women as athletes. We had to make it okay for them to be active. Those were much scarier times for females in sports.

Well you got to remember bin Laden killed 3 000 Americans and in some ways he and his ideology killed tens of thousands of his fellow Muslims including Pakistanis. I understand that that was provocative and complicated for Pakistan but only if you accept the idea that he was an acceptable member of Pakistani society.

All of us in society are supposed to believe that cruelty to animals is wrong and that it is a good thing to prevent needless suffering. So if that is true how can meat be acceptable under any but the most extraordinary circumstances such as perhaps roasting the bird who died flying into a window?

We have to challenge the whole idea that it's acceptable for a society like Britain to have such a significant number of people who do not work one day of the week and don't have any possibility of improving the quality of their lives.

I would argue that we have a generation of young people particularly minorities who are no longer putting up with the kinds of things their parents put up with. They're much more self-confident. It's no longer acceptable to make fun of people because of race or sex. But it has always been present in American society.

It has become almost a cliche to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature but it is socially acceptable to boast ignorance of science and proudly claim incompetence in mathematics.

I want to be a positive role-model for my daughter. The last thing I want to put out there is that it's acceptable to be too thin or have an eating disorder because you're in Hollywood.