I always told Sandra Bullock was my student when she was younger I always...
I had art as a major along with English French and History. I had dance...
I have married thriteen couples. I'm about to do a marriage next month.
Our church has been legal since late 1960s. I've been involved since 1972. I...
I made a conscious decision back then that I would rather be the best actress...
Everyone should have a moment with Ron Howard in their life to give you faith...
With my ministry of light part of what I do is work on the California...
I'm on Governor Gray Davis' California Alliance Towards Education to bring...
So I think that Marilyn what she gave the world and in many ways Kennedy...
I had no idea that he was going to write that but I've always believed that...
I used to sports gamble a lot and I was getting killed on that but then I found poker and really enjoyed it. But it was a hobby more than anything else. I played it every day but only on pretty small stakes.