Most people live in a myth and grow violently angry if anyone dares to tell...
Ego is a social fiction for which one person at a time gets all the blame.
You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you...
Horror is the natural reaction to the last 5 000 years of history.
History sociology economics psychology et al. confirmed Joyce's view of...
When the rose and the cross are united the alchemical marriage is complete...
You know I have found a new way to get high and stay spaced out for hours on...
Pregnancy is a kind of miracle. Especially so in that it proves that a man...
Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence and...
The abandoned infant's cry is rage not fear.
I'm a fan of daytime drama I totally get it. When we are doing scenes that are romantic or will get the audience riled up I feel like I'm a fan in the room going 'People are going to be so mad right now!'