My wife comes with me on all the movies but she is not an appendage to a...
January is the garbage can of movies in America directly after all the Oscar...
I am in so many movies that are on TV at 2:00 a.m. that people think I am dead.
I don't work very much and I just sit here waiting for a script that I can't...
I feel like 35. At 35 you're old enough to know something and young enough to...
I'm every bourgeois nightmare - a Cockney with intelligence and a million...
If you go away on location for three months and your wife stays at home...
I think what is British about me is my feelings and awareness of others and...
Hollywood is a cross between a health farm a recreation center and an insane...
Funny things happen to you in movies for silly reasons.
Poetry is also the physical self of the poet and it is impossible to separate the poet from his poetry.