I think women want to take care of themselves and I think having a voice in...
I think the personal relationships I established mattered in terms of what I...
I didn't want to set up a women's studies program. I thought women should...
I did go to Wellesley a women's college. And I am of a kind of strange...
Women can't do everything at the same time we need to understand milestones...
This is pure speculation but for a period of time a lot of getting into a...
Women have to be active listeners and interrupters - but when you interrupt...
I have said this many times that there seems to be enough room in the world...
I think women are really good at making friends and not good at networking....
I saw what happened when a dictator was allowed to take over a piece of a...
In science as in art and as I believe in every other sphere of human activity there may be wisdom in a multitude of counsellors but it is only in one or two of them.