My decision to end my marriage was such a risk to lose ratings and lose my...
You make mistakes but I don't have any regrets. I'm the kind of person who...
The perfect date for me would be staying at home making a big picnic in bed...
You never know what the future holds or where my life will take me.
If I like a food I'll eat it even if I know it's not good for me.
If I don't feel confident about my body I'm not going to sit at home and...
There's more pressure to be famous for being yourself than if you're being a...
I always put clothes and family photos under the mattress in case the house...
My mother has always been the social glue holding the family together.
Everything family does is reflection on the other people.
I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward as though you have the confidence to move forward eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you've done.