One must not let oneself be overwhelmed by sadness.
There are two kinds of women those who want power in the world and those who...
I don't understand it. Jack will spend any amount of money to buy votes but...
The first time you marry for love the second for money and the third for...
What is sad for women of my generation is that they weren't supposed to work...
You have to have been a Republican to know how good it is to be a Democrat.
The children have been a wonderful gift to me and I'm thankful to have once...
You are about to have your first experience with a Greek lunch. I will kill...
Even though people may be well known they hold in their hearts the emotions...
There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is...
Interactive computers and software will I think provide a less costly method of doing some kinds of inquiry in knowledge acquisition and even reasoning and interaction.