My own early experiences in war led me to suspect the value of discipline...
What I do deny is that you can build any enduring society without some such...
I can imagine no society which does not embody some method of arbitration.
The farther a society progresses the more clearly the individual becomes the...
Progress is measured by the degree of differentiation within a society.
The point I am making is that in the more primitive forms of society the...
It does not seem that the contradiction which exists between the aristocratic...
These groups within a society can he distinguished according as to whether...
I call religion a natural authority but it has usually been conceived as a...
We may be sure that out of the ruins of our capitalist civilization a new...
People know that they're going to see something which is entertaining but challenging as well because of the form it's in. It's dance theatre and it requires you to use your imagination - it's not straight forward.