The things that inform student culture are created and controlled by the...
My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me.
My art teacher in junior high was a very out gay man and a mentor to me. He...
The dark comedies tend to be in a non-releasable area. There can be romantic...
I had never had a positive leading character - somebody that wasn't an...
I hadn't made a big-budget film and in Hollywood there's a sort of man and...
Gay marriage is the last bastion of to me... as a legal ceremonial...
When I was 14 I felt very rundown I had a home to go to but I felt like I...
Because I didn't have brothers I was always interested in the kids down the...
My family moved a lot as a kid. We started in Colorado where I lived for...
How shall I be able to rule over others that have not full power and command of myself?