I take work very seriously and telling the truth in my job and professionalism.
With all the technology we're inventing and what they're coming up with...
I did learn one great lesson from a past relationship and that was to never...
I just always have to cry out a breakup and then I can make peace with it...
I always wanted to be a young mom but generations of women have worked so...
It's always been my mom and I against the world.
If I could be a third of the woman that my mom is and have a third of the...
Home is where my mom is.
I think the key to happiness is allowing ourselves to not feel bad or guilty...
I'm a Christian. I go to church when I can. I was raised Baptist. I went to a...
In the summer I wear shorts with a bright top and ankle boots or just sandals. I'll add a nice scarf maybe a hat some cool sunglasses. It's all about the accessories.