Marketing has supplanted story as the primary force behind the worthiness of...
When you're a houseguest and you leave it's nice to straighten something up...
I guess maybe I try to make movies that are closer to real life than are many...
The novel succeeds on terms exclusive to literature. A good film succeeds on...
Each one of my movies becomes easier to get off the ground.
I mean look I love movies not just the ones I make... In fact I don't...
Even if we die at 100 we're still dying young. I want at least 700 years....
I don't feel despair because I am able to make the films I want to make and...
Joe E. Lewis said 'Money doesn't buy happiness but it calms the nerves.' And...
Hollywood films have become a cesspool of formula and it's up to us to try to...
And partly the worst thing you could do in my family was need something from someone. So physical strength represented an avenue of self-sufficiency to me.