Marketing has supplanted story as the primary force behind the worthiness of...
When you're a houseguest and you leave it's nice to straighten something up...
I guess maybe I try to make movies that are closer to real life than are many...
The novel succeeds on terms exclusive to literature. A good film succeeds on...
Each one of my movies becomes easier to get off the ground.
I mean look I love movies not just the ones I make... In fact I don't...
Even if we die at 100 we're still dying young. I want at least 700 years....
I don't feel despair because I am able to make the films I want to make and...
Joe E. Lewis said 'Money doesn't buy happiness but it calms the nerves.' And...
Hollywood films have become a cesspool of formula and it's up to us to try to...
Every comedian dreams of hosting 'The Tonight Show' and for seven months I got to. I did it my way with people I love and I do not regret a second.