Search For zombie In Quotes 7

I really really really want to do a silly romantic comedy where I can just have a crush on the guy trip over myself and laugh and be goofy. I just feel like all I do is cry sob and fight zombies and the bad guys.

My stories are about humans and how they react or fail to react or react stupidly. I'm pointing the finger at us not at the zombies. I try to respect and sympathize with the zombies as much as possible.

People called '28 Days' and '28 Weeks' zombie movies and they're not! It's some sort of virus they're not dead.

I'm into 'The Walking Dead ' 'Shaun of the Dead ' obviously and I've seen all the Romero movies. I am a classic zombie queen. And I love the White Walkers on 'Game of Thrones.' Weirdly it wasn't until pretty late in life that I found my entry point into horror films.

I'm obsessed with zombies. I like watching zombie movies and I read zombie books.

I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack.

Yeah I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'