Search For zealand In Quotes 6

We have been given the trust and goodwill of New Zealanders. I do not take that trust for granted and I never will.

I think for the most part people are proud of the bicultural foundation New Zealand is built on and the fact that we are a multicultural society.

In terms of having views and being prepared to express them yes I think New Zealand's had a leadership role in a lot of things.

I got to dress up in funny clothes and run around New Zealand with a bow and arrow for 18 months how bad could that be?

New Zealand needs to balance its environmental responsibilities with its economic opportunities because the risk is that if you don't do that - and you want to lead the world - then you might end up getting unintended consequences.

I'm from Canada and New Zealand feels like you took all the best bits of Canada and squished them onto a tiny island like Hawaii. I was absolutely blown away by the beauty of the South Island.