Search For wreak In Quotes 4

I'm a religious person. I remember my mom told me: 'Vengeance belongs to God. It's up to him to wreak vengeance.' It's hard for me to get to that point but that's the work of God.

Australia is the only island continent on the planet which means that changes caused by planet-warming pollution - warmer seas which can drive stronger storms and more acidic oceans which wreak havoc on the food chain - are even more deadly here.

Economists treat economics as if it is a pure science divorced from the facts of life. The result of this false accountancy is a willful confusion under cover of which industry wreaks its havoc scot-free and ignores the environmental cost.

Like all of us in this storm between birth and death I can wreak no great changes on the world only small changes for the better I hope in the lives of those I love.

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My hope was that organizations would start including this range of skills in their training programs - in other words offer an adult education in social and emotional intelligence.