Search For withdrew In Quotes 6

When I've had hard times in my life the one thing about being in TV is that it's positive. I withdrew to 'Cheers ' it was familiar in that it was family. It had a kind of realistic positiveness to it.

I wrote some bad poetry that I published in North African journals but even as I withdrew into this reading I also led the life of a kind of young hooligan.

In a still hot morning the tide went out and didn't come back in. This was not a spectacular event. The sea did not roll up like a scroll like the sky in Revelations. It quietly withdrew.

A close family member once offered his opinion that I exhibit the phone manners of a goat then promptly withdrew the charge - out of fairness to goats.

My mind withdrew its thoughts from experience extracting itself from the contradictory throng of sensuous images that it might find out what that light was wherein it was bathed... And thus with the flash of one hurried glance it attained to the vision of That Which Is.

Negro banks as a rule have failed because the people taught that their own pioneers in business cannot function in this sphere withdrew their deposits.

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I've never heard my dad say a bad word about anybody. He always keeps his emotions in check and is a true gentleman. I was taught that losing it was indulgent a selfish act.