Search For wasteful In Quotes 8

I think I have a strange relationship with time. I'm not really aware of that time passing. I don't feel that I'm wasteful with time. But I'm not aware of it passing.

What a book a devil's chaplain might write on the clumsy wasteful blundering low and horribly cruel work of nature!

I am honored that my freshman class colleagues have put their trust in me to represent our historic class at the leadership table. The incoming freshman class of Representatives is large and diverse but we share many common goals including cutting wasteful spending getting our economy back on track and making government smarter and more efficient.

From secrecy and deception in high places come home America. From military spending so wasteful that it weakens our nation come home America.

Thoughtless risks are destructive of course but perhaps even more wasteful is thoughtless caution which prompts inaction and promotes failure to seize opportunity.

Creative risk taking is essential to success in any goal where the stakes are high. Thoughtless risks are destructive of course but perhaps even more wasteful is thoughtless caution which prompts inaction and promotes failure to seize opportunity.

Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world's resources. A vegetarian diet is better.

The monarchy is foremost a business and it's important to them that the British public continue to finance the excessive luxurious lifestyles of the now quite enormous wasteful and useless 'royal' family. I find it very sad.

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There's a certain amount of sympathy here for the Bush administration's problem which is they would like to get rid of Saddam Hussein and they would like to have the Kurds autonomous.