Search For visualize In Quotes 5

My major was Fine Arts and Education thinking I would become an Art Teacher. I couldn't visualize myself as an art teacher thinking how it wouldn't work.

Death? Why this fuss about death? Use your imagination try to visualize a world without death! Death is the essential condition of life not an evil.

In this drawing we just let our imagination run wild. We visualized Superman toys games and a radio show - that was before TV - and Superman movies. We even visualized Superman billboards. And it's all come true.

You have to visualize a second or two ahead of your car what line you are taking what you are going to do before you get there because it comes too fast.

We tell them that we believe it will be beautiful because that is our specialty we only create joy and beauty. We have never done a sad work. Through the drawings we hope a majority will be able to visualize it.

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We do this basically for ourselves. People appreciate it which is cool but I think they appreciate that we're doing it for ourselves. We're doing it our way and how people like it is not up to us. We like it.