Search For versatile In Quotes 5

I want my handbags and my shoes to be stylish but I want to make sure that they're versatile. I travel and I have to make sure the pieces I put into my bag can go with a dress or with shorts or jeans.

That's what I like about film-it can be bizarre classic normal romantic. Cinema is to me the most versatile thing.

I always considered myself as a character actor. I always try to be versatile to show different sides of human experience.

The idea of recognising your strengths and using them in as versatile a way as you can is cool to me.

Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive. This facility makes it the most versatile and explicit means of communication yet devised for quick mass appreciation.

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If you create something that is asking for people to respond as they're going to respond you have to allow them to respond as they're going to respond. Some of the people are going to be uninterested and some people are going to be mad for some reason which is their business. That's just the way the world is.