Search For vanishes In Quotes 7

The real issue is not talent as an independent element but talent in relationship to will desire and persistence. Talent without these things vanishes and even modest talent with those characteristics grows.

When you love a man he becomes more than a body. His physical limbs expand and his outline recedes vanishes. He is rich and sweet and right. He is part of the world the atmosphere the blue sky and the blue water.

I think the biggest difficulty is that when I'm here in America there's a necessity of using English so I really have a great sense of really wanting to learn but unfortunately when I head back to Japan the necessity vanishes and so does my enthusiasm about learning.

Every branch of human knowledge if traced up to its source and final principles vanishes into mystery.

Knowledge has to be improved challenged and increased constantly or it vanishes.

The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage everything that binds vanishes and I am free.

Expose yourself to your deepest fear after that fear has no power and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.