Search For uphill In Quotes 4

The way to Heaven is ascending we must be content to travel uphill though it be hard and tiresome and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh.

The battle of life is in most cases fought uphill and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success if there were nothing to struggle for there would be nothing to be achieved.

What can you do if a part of it is uphill? You can't work out another route. You've just got to run the one they give you. But they tell me London is a nice course. Even the cobbles I hope are not very much of a problem for me.

I have felt for the last 10 years I have had this battle I've been fighting so hard to have an education. It's been this uphill struggle. I was Warner Bros' pain in the butt. I was their scheduling conflict. I was the one who made life difficult.