Search For unified In Quotes 6

Most people can't tell now who wrote what. I like that blurring of identities within the band. because it becomes a unified thing that can't be related to other forms of historical poetry.

Oh I have this feud going with the L.A. Unified School District because I keep getting these phone calls saying my daughter keeps missing classes I mean at all hours of the night I had like two calls this morning and I keep calling saying I haven't got a daughter!

It's counterintuitive but the most divisive arrangement is when the same party controls both Congress and the presidency a situation encountered in eight of the past 10 years. With government unified under a single party the minority has the least possible incentive to cooperate with the majority.

The future... seems to me no unified dream but a mince pie long in the baking never quite done.

Skill is the unified force of experience intellect and passion in their operation.

India is the meeting place of the religions and among these Hinduism alone is by itself a vast and complex thing not so much a religion as a great diversified and yet subtly unified mass of spiritual thought realization and aspiration.

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I try something new every night. It's an hour show if it works I maybe try it a few more times and then move that off and try something new. It's a great workshop for me.