Search For underwear In Quotes 9

I never expected to get the Tom Jones treatment and it amazes me that I do. Strangely it's women who throw their underwear at me when I'm performing live. My male fans tend to be quite shy. My female fans are wild. I never know what to do with all the lingerie that lands at my feet. Maybe I should open a shop.

I travel without barely any luggage. Just a second set of underwear and binoculars and a map and a toothbrush.

I'm dealing with fools and trolls and soft targets. It's just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee. I don't have time for these clowns.

Power is not something that can be assumed or discarded at will like underwear.

All that running around in my underwear put money in my pockets. I can focus on working in interesting movies without having to worry about supporting myself.

This morning when I put on my underwear I could hear the fruit-of-the-loom guys laughing at me.

These days you have the option of staying home blogging in your underwear and not having your words mangled. I think I like the direction things are headed.

I don't believe in the after life although I am bringing a change of underwear.

I have had fans make me the big picture collages of the photo books I have had fans send me birthday cakes... sing to me on my voicemail. I have had fans flash me. I have had older fans give me their bras and underwear onstage.