Search For troubling In Quotes 6

All things by immortal power. Near of far to each other linked are that thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star.

A real gentleman even if he loses everything he owns must show no emotion. Money must be so far beneath a gentleman that it is hardly worth troubling about.

Nothing is more capable of troubling our reason and consuming our health than secret notions of jealousy in solitude.

Our failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq thus far has been deeply troubling and our intelligence-gathering process needs thorough and unbiased investigation.

If people choose to live their life in a way that does not confront the more troubling aspects of their experience that's fine if it works for them. But it will probably make them uncomfortable if they come up against somebody like me. So they just shouldn't! They shouldn't read my work!

What I dream of is an art of balance of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter - a soothing calming influence on the mind rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue.