Search For travelled In Quotes 6

I'm well-travelled so I can see places coming up. I went to St. Croix in the West Indies at Christmas and it had been hit by a really bad tornado. Values there have gone down but I guarantee they will be up again in eight years. So I'll get in now while it's cheap as chips.

I got the travel bug when I was quite young. My parents took me and my sisters out of school and we travelled all over Europe. It was an eye-opening experience and although I love Norway I also enjoy visiting new countries. I don't get homesick.

Since turning professional at 18 I have travelled the world playing the game that I love and consider myself a global player. As the World No.1 right now I wish to be a positive role model and a sportsperson that people respect and enjoy watching.

All experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move.

Those who visit foreign nations but associate only with their own country-men change their climate but not their customs. They see new meridians but the same men and with heads as empty as their pockets return home with traveled bodies but untravelled minds.

For years I never knowingly went on a holiday. When I travelled it was for work. Now I am a huge advocate particularly to places which have amazing wildlife such as Antarctica India and Patagonia.

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Obama often criticizes policies that place the interests of the powerful ahead of the powerless. But through his administration's support of abortion rights Obama shows his lack of empathy for society's most powerless.