Search For tourists In Quotes 7

We are all tourists in history and irony is what we win in wars.

Tourists don't know where they've been travelers don't know where they're going.

The People's Republic of China has not yet reached the military might of the Soviet Empire. It requires a little more time and a little more infusion of Western aid loans technology and the hard currency of our tourists.

There's a lot of processed food in America and I know that can make some tourists who're used to fresh food feel sick.

The world does not need tourists who ride by in a bus clucking their tongues. The world as it is needs those who will love it enough to change it with what they have where they are.

Bologna is the best city in Italy for food and has the least number of tourists. With its medieval beauty it has it all.

It is eerie being all but alone in Westminster Abbey. Without the tourists there are only the dead many of them kings and queens. They speak powerfully and put my thoughts into vivid perspective.

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I'm trying to make a case for those people who don't have a sense of belonging that they should have that there is something really worthwhile in having a sense of belonging and recasting and looking at our modern history.