Search For toothbrush In Quotes 5

I travel without barely any luggage. Just a second set of underwear and binoculars and a map and a toothbrush.

I am on the power toothbrush train and I'm asking people to try to using an Oral B power toothbrush. I just started using one and I cannot believe that I waited this long to use a power toothbrush. It's so much easier than using a manual toothbrush.

My workout regimen at the moment is nonexistent. I wake up in the morning and brush my teeth. My toothbrush and deodorant are my only dumbbells. That's about it.

My friends say 'Man you're going to have kids sleeping on pillowcases with your face on it! You're going to be on toothbrushes and magnets and stuff.' I guess now that I'm a dad I'm thrilled about that.

Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it and get a new one every six months.