Search For thinner In Quotes 7

I see a wiser person than when I was younger: having babies and passing 30 were the turning points. What women in their 40s - I am 39 - lack in gorgeousness they make up for in wisdom. I love ageing despite the drawbacks - thinner drier skin.

You might think the thinner version of yourself is going to be the most positive or confident but that's not how it is for me. When I'm over 200 pounds that's when I'm the most confident version of myself.

But I do know focusing on the exterior doesn't make me happy. If I want peace and serenity it won't be reached by getting thinner or fatter.

Why doesn't Apple stop for a year and make medical devices? When people talk about technology that's where I start to get a little hot under the collar because I know that it's the key to solving some of the world's biggest problems. Having a faster thinner telephone is not one of the world's biggest problems.

The thinner the ice the more anxious is everyone to see whether it will bear.

I think I've done every crazy diet there was in the beginning but it's weird: I'm thinner now than I was when I was modeling. I don't obsess about it.

I'm a wonderful disaster. So are you. We're all a mess. We're in this culture that says take this pill and you'll be happy go on this diet and you'll be thinner have your teeth whitened people will love you more.