Search For tendencies In Quotes 8

When people lack teachers their tendencies are not corrected when they do not have ritual and moral principles then their lawlessness is not controlled.

The only power deserving the name is that of masses and of governments while they make themselves the organ of the tendencies and instincts of masses.

In antiquity the sage kings recognized that men's nature is bad and that their tendencies were not being corrected and their lawlessness controlled.

It is curious that with my somewhat antinomian tendencies I should have gone to Trinity Hall - which was and is before all a Law College - and should thus have been thrown into close touch with the legal element in life.

As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea so different tendencies various though they appear crooked or straight all lead to God.

Ends and purposes whether they exist as conscious or subconscious tendencies form the wrap and woof of our conscious experience.

None speak of the bravery the might or the intellect of Jesus but the devil is always imagined as a being of acute intellect political cunning and the fiercest courage. These universal and instinctive tendencies of the human mind reveal much.

When I left Europe in 1987 I did so with the thought that my relevance as a composition teacher would benefit from a certain cool distance to certain tendencies I had been observing for several years with increasing disquiet.