Search For tanks In Quotes 4

People aren't just paying more to fill their gas tanks or when they pay for their heating bills for their home they are paying more at the grocery store on air travel and for many other daily expenses.

You know rural Americans are a special people. Their labor puts food on our table and fuel in our gas tanks. Their service in our military sets a powerful example of leadership honor and sacrifice. Their spirit of community inspires us all.

Republicans use think tanks to come up with a lot of their messages. The think tanks are the single worst most undisciplined example of communication I've ever seen.

The anger in the Brigade against those who fought the Republic in the rear was sharpened by reports of weapons even tanks being kept from the front and hidden for treacherous purposes.

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A series of rumors about my attitude as well as derogatory remarks about myself and my family showed me that the personal resentment of the Detroit general manager toward me would make it impossible for me to continue playing hockey in Detroit.