Search For swearing In Quotes 4

People ask 'do you make a conscious effort not to swear?' - if you're doing silly stuff you're not tempted to put swearing in. All the comics from my childhood who were funny without swearing were the people that influenced me. What I do is quite traditional anyway.

My first outdoor cooking memories are full of erratic British summers Dad swearing at a barbecue that he couldn't put together and eventually eating charred sausages feeling brilliant.

Swearing is industry language. For as long as we're alive it's not going to change. You've got to be boisterous to get results.

The biggest thrill a ballplayer can have is when your son takes after you. That happened when my Bobby was in his championship Little League game. He really showed me something. Struck out three times. Made an error that lost the game. Parents were throwing things at our car and swearing at us as we drove off. Gosh I was proud.