Search For subtract In Quotes 6

Everything you add to the truth subtracts from the truth.

Politics is human beings it's addition rather than subtraction.

If you are truly serious abut preparing your child for the future don't teach him to subtract teach him to deduct.

Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.

The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a tuition increase and benefit from the dividends of higher education.

Beauty: the adjustment of all parts proportionately so that one cannot add or subtract or change without impairing the harmony of the whole.

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There's a nastiness out there that wants to harm me with words. These are my enemies - the ideologues the populists the columnists who don't like the fact that I take them on toe-to-toe. What I try to do is tell the truth. It's not the coin of the realm in politics.