Search For strives In Quotes 8

The swimmer adrift on the open seas measures his strength and strives with all his muscles to keep himself afloat. But what is he to do when there is no land on the horizon and none beyond it?

Modem science then maintains on the one hand that nature both organic and inorganic strives towards a state of order and that man's actions are governed by the same tendency.

Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God.

God always strives together with those who strive.

God loves to help him who strives to help himself.

Sympathy constitutes friendship but in love there is a sort of antipathy or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other and both together make up one whole.

An Atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered poverty vanished war eliminated.

So every creative act strives to attain an absolute status it longs to create a world of beauty to triumph over chaos and convert it to order.