Search For streams In Quotes 7

Rivers ponds lakes and streams - they all have different names but they all contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths.

Since God is the foundation of my life anything that streams from that can only be positive.

Bats drink on the wing like swallows by sipping the surface as they play over pools and streams.

As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea so different tendencies various though they appear crooked or straight all lead to God.

In rising financial markets the world is forever new. The bull or optimist has no eyes for past or present but only for the future where streams of revenue play in his imagination.

The science of politics is the one science that is deposited by the streams of history like the grains of gold in the sand of a river and the knowledge of the past the record of truths revealed by experience is eminently practical as an instrument of action and a power that goes to making the future.

All I know about thermal pollution is that if we continue our present rate of growth in electrical energy consumption it will simply take by the year 2000 all our freshwater streams to cool the generators and reactors.