Search For stevie In Quotes 8

Stevie didn't use the technology to drive the song. He used it to enhance. I use the tools to further my work I don't use my work to further the tools.

That's one strength that Stevie has. She's really not a strong instrumentalist in any way. Her instrument is her voice and her words. And it keeps her focused on the very center of that.

I've said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts but I never noticed.

I probably wouldn't be singing if not for Michael Jackson. When I started singing I didn't like my tone until my mom put me on to Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder so listening to the way they used their instrument helped me get more comfortable with my own.

I grew up in Marcy Projects in Brooklyn and my mom and pop had an extensive record collection so Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder and all of those sounds and souls of Motown filled the house.

Who picks your clothes - Stevie Wonder?

Stevie Wonder is just one of those guys that completely delivers everything that you want to be true about Stevie Wonder. He's an amazing human being and the fairytale exists with that man.

Stevie Ray Vaughan was very intense. Maybe that's what caught everybody's attention. As a player he didn't do anything amazing.

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Today when I think about diversity I actually think about the word 'inclusion.' And I think this is a time of great inclusion. It's not men it's not women alone. Whether it's geographic it's approach it's your style it's your way of learning the way you want to contribute it's your age - it is really broad.