Search For steeped In Quotes 5

I grew up in this town my poetry was born between the hill and the river it took its voice from the rain and like the timber it steeped itself in the forests.

Actors are steeped in a world of agents and where the next job is coming from and what are their expenses and what is the hotel like. You want to take them out of that world and dump them into another world so that when you meet them on the screen they don't seem like the guy who was in two others movies that year.

Students who are interested in learning about the environment should not be dissuaded from doing so but only if they have proved their proficiency in other basic courses such as U.S. history. Until then we need to focus on producing well-educated citizens steeped in their country's history and mindful of their civic responsibilities.

Being steeped in the process of learning and exploring keeps me from becoming too nervous. Partly it's about not getting bored.

The man who is aware of himself is henceforward independent and he is never bored and life is only too short and he is steeped through and through with a profound yet temperate happiness.

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It was at Bell Labs that I first made direct contact with real semiconductor experts and thus began to fully understand what amazing materials they were and what they could do.