Search For stature In Quotes 5

Ethnic prejudice has no place in sports and baseball must recognize that truth if it is to maintain stature as a national game.

I got a lot of things that society had promised would make me whole and fulfilled - all the things that the culture tells you from preschool on will quiet the throbbing anxiety inside you - stature the respect of colleagues maybe even a kind of low-grade fame.

Lincoln's stature and strength his intelligence and ambition - in short all the elements which gave him popularity among men in New Salem rendered him equally attractive to the fair sex of that village.

Alas! if the principles of contentment are not within us the height of station and worldly grandeur will as soon add a cubit to a man's stature as to his happiness.

In fact I believe the first companies that make an effort to develop an authentic transparent and meaningful social contract with their fans and customers will turn out to be the ones that are the most successful in the future. While brands that refuse to make the effort will lose stature and customer loyalty.

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And I came back and it was great 'cuz George had set up all these flowers all over the studio saying welcome home. So then we got it together again. I always felt it was better on the White one for me. We were more like a band you know.