Search For statistically In Quotes 6

The whole secret to our success is being able to con ourselves into believing that we're going to change the world because statistically we are unlikely to do it.

Statistically and emotionally I believe that the way I can be of help to society is by doing what I know and what I've been good at.

Unfortunately Climate Science has become Political Science. It is tragic that some perhaps well-meaning but politically motivated scientists who should know better have whipped up a global frenzy about a phenomena which is statistically questionable at best.

Complex statistically improbable things are by their nature more difficult to explain than simple statistically probable things.

It is statistically proven that the strongest institution that guarantees procreation and continuity of the generations is marriage between one man and one woman. We don't want genocide. We don't want to destroy the sacred institution of marriage.

I am a horrible visual artist. I can't fix a car sew knit cook etc. Statistically there is more I don't do than do.