Search For solace In Quotes 7

Nonetheless do I have respect for people who believe in the hereafter? Of course I do. I might add perhaps even a touch of envy too because of the solace.

I took solace in my relationship with God who along with my dog was my best friend growing up.

Every now and then I read a poem that does touch something in me but I never turn to poetry for solace or pleasure in the way that I throw myself into prose.

My heart which is so full to overflowing has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.

I don't consider myself to be a major talent so the only solace I can take is to hope I'm growing.

If solace is any sort of succor to someone that is sufficient. I believe in the faith of people whatever faith they may have.

It's hard to say what drives a three year-old but I think I had a sense that nature was my solace and nature was a place in which there was beauty in which there was order.

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I noticed that this defense attorney is a very very intelligent man and he's very cool and he's very knowledgeable and I think that personally I'd like to have an attorney like him.