Search For sentient In Quotes 8

I'm always pushing for human responsibility. Given that chimpanzees and many other animals are sentient and sapient then we should treat them with respect.

Music is intended and designed for sentient beings that have hopes and purposes and emotions.

I absolutely don't think a sentient artificial intelligence is going to wage war against the human species.

I work at home in the country and days will go by when except for my husband and son and the occasional UPS man the only sentient creatures that see me are my chickens and turkeys.

Animals are sentient intelligent perceptive funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children.

Should we find a second form of life right here on our doorstep we could be confident that life is a truly cosmic phenomenon. If so there may well be sentient beings somewhere in the galaxy wondering as do we if they are not alone in the universe.

The crucial task of old age is balance: keeping just well enough just brave enough just gay and interested and starkly honest enough to remain a sentient human being.

Just as we reject racism sexism ageism and heterosexism we reject speciesism. The species of a sentient being is no more reason to deny the protection of this basic right than race sex age or sexual orientation is a reason to deny membership in the human moral community to other humans.

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A paparazzo once jumped out of a car and started running backward with me. I slowed down out of courtesy because she started drifting into the street. I reached out my hand and moved her back so she didn't get hit by a bus.