Search For sensations In Quotes 7

Most critical writing is drivel and half of it is dishonest. It is a short cut to oblivion anyway. Thinking in terms of ideas destroys the power to think in terms of emotions and sensations.

Painting from nature is not copying the object it is realizing one's sensations.

For an Impressionist to paint from nature is not to paint the subject but to realize sensations.

I've got quite a vivid imagination and I'm easily overwhelmed by sensations and things that are beautiful or scary. I don't think I've ever seen a ghost - I think I'm probably haunted by my own ghosts than real ones.

The thirst for powerful sensations takes the upper hand both over fear and over compassion for the grief of others.

The attitude of physiological psychology to sensations and feelings considered as psychical elements is naturally the attitude of psychology at large.

I began to understand my sensations to know what I wanted at around the age of forty - but only vaguely.