Search For screening In Quotes 10

When you do a drama you are challenged to trust your inner voice much more. Because when you put a comedy in front of even a 25-person screening you know whether it's working or not. The barometer is overt.

As part of our layered approach we have expedited the deployment of new Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) units to help detect concealed metallic and non-metallic threats on passengers. These machines are now in use at airports nationwide and the vast majority of travelers say they prefer this technology to alternative screening measures.

The hardest thing is at the end you have to say bye to all these people who you have worked with for so many months. It was really sad not to see them anymore. But you have the parties that you go to and you get to see them like the premieres and the screenings.

I was going to make movies. I was the one in the family who was always rolling the video camera making movies of my brothers around town and then screening them for my parents. I still would love to make movies someday... that's something that really means a lot to me and I know I'll have the chance to do it one day.

Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is underway and the pharmaceuticals are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs.

Today the demands are for even higher standards in the quality of care for greater flexibility and convenience in treatment times and for more prevention through screening and health checks.

With 'Good Will Hunting ' Miramax made certain the recruited audience wasn't expecting to laugh at Robin Williams like they normally do. From my limited experience you can really blow test screenings by conducting them in the wrong way.

Sometimes airport security people recognize me. I'll go through the whole screening process and at the end they'll go 'Hey man I really like your work.' That's so cool.

Death is a billion-dollar business. They can't even pass a law where it takes seven days to get a gun. Why don't you have to go through the same kind of screening you do to get a driver's license? It's totally insane.

I remember when I took Quentin Tarantino with me to a very private screening of the documentary 'Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired ' which shows some of the legal irregularities of his case. I was involved by the film and it was an amazing experience to see people weep at the end of it.