Search For restructure In Quotes 6

As information technology restructures the work situation it abstracts thought from action.

One of our key strategies has been to restructure traditional high schools into small learning communities with personalized attention and a range of options.

I do have concerns about the current efforts to restructure our nation's intelligence community.

The challenge as we saw in the Nigerian project was to restructure the economy decisively in the direction of a modern free market as an appropriate environment for cultivation of freedom and democracy and the natural emergence of a new social order.

Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature.

In order to fix Social Security we must restructure it so that we continue to provide for our Nation's seniors that are approaching retirement age but allow for younger taxpayers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private accounts.

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As a kid I always loved serialized books. It's the reason why people love 'Harry Potter.' Serialization is amazing. It works in television. It works in film and it works in books. Especially when you're a young kid you get attached to these characters.