Search For resilience In Quotes 10

Something called 'the Oklahoma Standard' became known throughout the world. It means resilience in the face of adversity. It means a strength and compassion that will not be defeated.

My work requires acting at its most committed - it demands actors of enormous resilience but also intelligence and wit. It doesn't work for narcissistic or selfish actors.

My mother was making $135 a week but she had resilience and imagination. She might take frozen vegetables cook them with garlic onion and Spam and it would taste like a four-star dinner.

People tend to overstate my resilience but of course I hope they're right.

You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces - my family my friends and a faith in the power of resilience and hope. These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined.

I developed a mechanism so that whatever mistakes I made I would bounce straight back. Whatever was happening off the pitch I could put it to one side and maintain my form. Call it mental resilience or a strong mind but that is what we mean when we talk about experience in a football team.

Australia is a nation of compassion. Courage and compassion. And the third of these great values: resilience.

On the other hand the American public possesses a great resilience and strength and good risk communication strategies can tap into and even amplify those assets.

I marvel at the resilience of the Jewish people. Their best characteristic is their desire to remember. No other people has such an obsession with memory.

The resilience of these people is amazing. I am a great believer that the sooner we get things up and running in terms of sport in this area the better.

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Everyone asks me about being so worried or thinking about existence as if I'm the only person who can't understand why a tree grows the way it does or why a person is in power when they're not that great. These are questions everyone has.