Search For redefining In Quotes 5

The activists will not stop in trying to impose their extreme views on the rest of us and they have now plotted out a state-by-state strategy to increase the number of judicial decisions redefining marriage without the voice of the people being heard.

Many women cut back what had to be done at home by redefining what the house the marriage and sometimes what the child needs. One woman described a fairly common pattern: I do my half. I do half of his half and the rest doesn't get done.

President Bush has a record of cutting taxes has provided a prescription drug benefit for seniors has upheld the Second Amendment and remains committed to stopping liberal activists judges who are redefining marriage.

At my core what I think we need to do is to get the basics right again. We need to rebuild our family structure stay away from redefining marriage and stand by marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Redefining marriage will have huge implications for what is taught in our schools and for wider society. It will redefine society since the institution of marriage is one of the fundamental building blocks of society. The repercussions of enacting same-sex marriage into law will be immense.