Search For recesses In Quotes 8

Individuality is founded in feeling and the recesses of feeling the darker blinder strata of character are the only places in the world in which we catch real fact in the making and directly perceive how events happen and how work is actually done.

The poetry of a people comes from the deep recesses of the unconscious the irrational and the collective body of our ancestral memories.

The intelligence of few perceives what has been carefully hidden in the recesses of the mind.

My aim then was to whip the rebels to humble their pride to follow them to their inmost recesses and make them fear and dread us.

My aim then was to whip the rebels to humble their pride to follow them to their inmost recesses and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.

There are a lot of things that make up a performance a lot of technical things. It isn't always just about pulling it up from the darkest recesses of your mind or your heart. It's your experience and your observation.

As is known it is in the realm of experience inaugurated by psychoanalysis that we may grasp along what imaginary lines the human organism in the most intimate recesses of its being manifests its capture in a symbolic dimension.

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.

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I never smile when I have a bat in my hands. That's when you've got to be serious. When I get out on the field nothing's a joke to me. I don't feel like I should walk around with a smile on my face.