Search For radios In Quotes 5

It's a really unfair world because life is where I am all day long we listen to American music. So I don't see why the radios in the U.S. cannot even put aside one hour a day just to play music that is not American.

During the Depression my dad made radios to sell to make extra money. Nobody had any money to buy the radios so he would trade them for dogs. He built kennels in the backyard and he cared for the dogs.

It is an interesting fact that during my tour I was never allowed access to computers radios or anything else that I might damage through curiosity or perhaps something more sinister.

I hate modern car radios. In my car I don't even have a push-button radio. It's just got a dial and two knobs. Just AM. One knob makes it louder and one knob changes the station. When you're driving that's all I want.

At 13 I realized that I could fix anything electronic. It was amazing I could just do it. I started a business repairing radios. It grew to be one of the largest in Philadelphia.

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Defining marriage is a power that should be left to the states. Moreover no state should be forced to recognize a marriage that is not within its own laws Constitution and legal precedents.