Search For puppy In Quotes 9

I once made the mistake of going for a whole row of false eyelashes which was just wrong as it gave me a sad puppy-eyed look.

There are all sorts of cute puppy dogs but it doesn't stop people from going out and buying Dobermans.

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.

This morning someone sent me a very funny photo of me holding their puppy. We have matching colour jackets.

For exercise I now run with my chocolate Lab puppy Oscar.

People don't know where to place me. Terry Gilliam used me as a quirky cop in 'Twelve Monkeys' and then he hired me again to be an effeminate hotel clerk in 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. Another time I was shooting this indie film 'The Souler Opposite' and six days a week I'm playing this big puppy dog then I come to the 'NYPD Blue' set and become this scumbag.

The other day the President said I know you've had some rough times and I want to do something that will show the nation what faith that I have in you in your maturity and sense of responsibility. He paused then said would you like a puppy?

It's just me and my 6-month-old puppy. I am not dating anyone.

Teach your children how to behave with animals. Adopt a pet. Don't go buy one. Please. That's a sin. Let's get these puppy mills out of business.