Search For puppets In Quotes 5

Money is the string with which a sardonic destiny directs the motions of its puppets.

The savior who wants to turn men into angels is as much a hater of human nature as the totalitarian despot who wants to turn them into puppets.

When it comes to war we focus more on the mainstream coverage of the event rather than the event itself. People dying is never funny. Protest puppets are always funny.

The sad thing is when it comes to diet is that even when well-intentioned Feds try to do right by us they fail. Either they're outvoted by puppets of agribusiness or they are puppets of agribusiness.

Death is a release from the impressions of the senses and from desires that make us their puppets and from the vagaries of the mind and from the hard service of the flesh.

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When families are strong and stable so are children - showing higher levels of wellbeing and more positive outcomes. But when things go wrong - either through family breakdown or a damaged parental relationship - the impact on a child's later life can be devastating.