Search For puncture In Quotes 6

Nobody travels on the road to success without a puncture or two.

For many people managing pain involves using prescription medicine in combination with complementary techniques like physical therapy acupuncture yoga and massage. I appreciate this because I truly believe medical care should address the person as a whole - their mind body and spirit.

The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression.

Mental fight means thinking against the current not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth.

I get a lot of the ideas when I'm resting - either when I'm meditating or getting some kind of work done on my back like physical therapy or acupuncture. That's where I get my best ideas maybe because I'm balancing my body.

I tried acupuncture the patch and hypnosis but found that I needed to do it alone - when the time was right for me.