Search For publishers In Quotes 10

You know it's sort of common wisdom among New York publishers that short story collections don't make money.

I'm delighted about the track's success in the sports world but the frustrating thing is I don't think I got rich on it. The labels and publishers did very cheap deals on our songs.

When I started in the business there was a thing called adult fantasy but nobody quite knew what it was and most publishers didn't have an adult fantasy list. They had science fiction lists which they stuck a little bit of fantasy into.

Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it.

I have a problem with censorship by the lawyer - by legal people by the publishing firm and I may be changing publishers. They don't seem to want to take too many risks with living people.

And books that were published in much larger numbers than Selfish Little are hard to find. And publishers who wanted to publish my last few works have them stuck in limbo while new distribution ideas and legal issues and fears are blown away.

If you look at the publishers I've worked with generally they're a great bunch. Creation is unlike any other publishing house you can think of. The people I've worked with have integrity and intelligence and almost always less money than ideas.

Writers rush in where publishers fear to tread and where translators fear to tread.

As repressed sadists are supposed to become policemen or butchers so those with an irrational fear of life become publishers.

I've drunk Amazon's free Diet Coke. Nothing makes more sense to me than a company trying to make bookselling into a profitable business. I'm not anti-Amazon and I'm not pro-publishers either. I'm pro-books.